Wednesday, October 24, 2012

{Almost} Wordless Wednesday: Charlotte, is that you?

This, kickin' it outside the window at Tazza D'Oro this past Sunday afternoon:

View from inside

And outside, up close (but not too close) and personal
Curious, I googled Charlotte's Web. From there, I checked Google images for "barn spider". Seems to me as if we have Charlotte in our midst! I'll let you know if I spot Wilbur running around Highland Park :)

Happy Wednesday!


  1. you could take her home with you and then next week go on an excursion looking for Wilbur...

  2. Julie, I get the shudder - my reaction upon discovering her was a horrified fascination ;)

    JoAnne, I think I'll pass and let Tazza D'Oro keep her ;)

  3. Nope. I could have never gotten that close to take those pictures. Spiders are my "thing" - the critter I won't kill. My husbands is a moth haha, what a pansy, that guy ;)
